These docs are a work in progress. While conceptually correct, the diagrams/code samples on this page might not be 100% in line with the current implementation in Copper.
Multi-facet service
Context and problem
Given that we want to expose a service by it's interface, and we have to adhere to the contract factoring rules (specified in the WCF book and Righting Software). There is a limit to the number of operations possible that we are allowed to expose on that given contract. It brings up the question how to keep the cost vs. count balance in check by not having to many actual services, while still having logically coherent contracts that abide the rules.
The solution to this problem is to allow for multiple facets
that any service class
can expose. There are a number of techniques that allow you to achieve multi-facet services, and even spec these out further. These techniques are from the Righting Software book.
Factoring down
interface IScannerAccess
long ScanCode();
void AdjustBeam();
void OpenPort();
void ClosePort();
class BarcodeScanner : IScannerAccess
class QRCodeScanner : IScannerAccess
interface IReaderAccess
long ReadCode();
void OpenPort();
void ClosePort();
interface IScannerAccess : IReaderAccess
void AdjustBeam();
class BarcodeScanner : IScannerAccess
class QRCodeScanner : IScannerAccess
class KeypadReader : IReaderAccess
class RFIDReader : IReaderAccess
Factoring sideways
Most common technique to split out into multiple facets, making the service class implement each facet. This makes it easy to collapse or expand the architecture later on, as facets can be moved between service classes.
interface ICommunicationDevice
void OpenPort();
void ClosePort();
interface IReaderAccess
long ReadCode();
class BarcodeScanner :
Factoring up
Extending each derived contract by inheriting from a shared base contract.
interface IDeviceControl
void Abort();
long RunDiagnostics();
interface IReaderAccess : IDeviceControl
interface IBeltAccess : IDeviceControl